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Mod Authors

Catseyes, Bloodworth, After Realm

Beyond Stations, Beyond Decor: Rustic Edition, Beyond the Forge, Beyond the Decor, Beyond Theatrics


Shani's Stuff, Shani's Stuff: Level 100


Lemurian Architect, Warrior Mutator for Conan Exiles, No Balance Change for Warrior Mutator, Item Stat Remover for Warrior Mutator, Admin Skelos Collector for Warrior Mutator, No Potion/Tonic for Warrior Mutator, Sexilse Unchained Community Mod

Thrall War

Thrall War Decorations, Thrall War Dungeon Mod, Thrall War Utilities, Thrall War Dirty Mod, Thrall War - No War Paint Drop


Fashionist, Better Thralls, Unlock Plus, Stacksize Plus, Building Shortcar Bar


River Boats of the Exiled Lands, River Boats of the Exiled Lands Lite Version, Barachan Isles, The Lava Cave, The Lost Lore of the Exiles, The General Tomb, The Forsaken Tomb and Re-imagined Combined, Forsaken Tomb Re-imagined, The Forsaken Tomb, Ruins of Acheron, The Empire of Stygia


Shadows of Skelos - Extended, Shadows of Skelos Vol 2, Shadows of Skelos Vol 3, Material Swapper, Askenderu Oriental Mod, SvS Ext Perm. Feats, SvS Ext unlock Rcp Feats, No Drop Runes, SvS-Server

Thyris / Tyrvalkin

SH - Building Kit, SH - RP Items, SH - Decorations, SH - Armory

WildCypher Team (Savage Wilds)

Savage Wilds

Jia (Savage Steel Mod)

Savage Steel Vol 1, Savage Steel Vol 2


Pippi - User & Server Management

Piper at the Gates of Dawn (Moon's Spawn Mods)

Isle of Tir-na-Nog (all 4 seasons), Legend of Hy Brasil, Ice Shard Maker, Age of Calamitous of ITN, Twin Serpents Server Mod

Kyeri (Lotus Mods)

Darkwoods, Lotus Roleplay Server Mod, Alter Ego RP, The Forgotten Lands; Lotus Variety Mod, Expanded Map - Curse Wall Removal (various versions), Land of Rebirth (various versions), Lotus RP Weapons Content & Tweaks; Lotus Roleplay Expansion, Lotus Roleplay Decor & More

Dr. Nash (Improved Quality of Life)

Improved Quality of Life


IMMERSE RP : Buildings & Placeables Decor, IMMERSE RP: Placables Decor, IMMERSE RP: Festive Days, IMMERSE RP: Fright Night


Discord Link

Glass Construction and More, GCam down to 60, 300 Level, Level 250 Mod, 100 Level no attribute


Exiles Extreme

Delay/Chezerae/Cyrus (HungryTapeworm)

Gothic Architect, Exotic Decorations, Gothic Decorations

Hosav (EEWA)

Hosav Custom UI, Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal (EEWA)

Dr. Nash (Emberlight)

Lament, Emberlight


Dudes Creative Constructions, Sign o' the Times

DLK: Development

Das Letzte Kapitel Decorations, DLK: Custom Map, DLK: Fashionware, DLK: AdminTools

Multigun (Better Builders Bureau)

Less Building Placement Restrictions, LBPR - Additional Features, Pythagoras: Expanded Building, PvE Plus Ambush, Frost and Flame Placeables, Undead Horse Mount Mod, SandstormEx, Javelin Improved, Level 140 - Unlock Almost Everything, Kerozards Paragon Leveling - Reloaded, Limestone Buildings, Tier4 Followers - Always Spawn, Tier 4 Followers - Medium Increased Spawn, Tier 4 Followers - Mild Increased Spawn, Legendary Chests - Adjustable Level Requirement, Level 140 - Unlock Everything,

LilMissHentai (Ariane)

Amunets Server Transfer, Amunets Dungeon Assets, Amunets Deco Collector, Amunets Curiosity and Exploration, Amunets Dynamic Shadows, Amunets Weather, Orcs and Humans


Ancient Civilization, Desert Town, Deco and Placeables, Crafting Overhaul, Stylized Map, Terra Incognita


Arena Pier Building Pieces, Asshuri Treasure, Northern Timber, Sand and Stone

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